Level 1 – Start Sailing
An introduction to sailing for novices. This course will teach you basic dinghy handling skills and some background knowledge. It is recommended that all students build on this short course with the Basic Skills & Better Sailing courses.
Duration: 16 hours either spread over a series of sessions or 2 full days

Level 2 – Basic Skills
On completion of this course you will have a basic knowledge of sailing, and sailing in light winds without an instructor on board. It will be assumed that students starting this course have already mastered the practical skills and absorbed the knowledge required contained within the Level 1 – Start Sailing course (both courses can be combined). Dinghy capsize recovery will be conducted in a controlled manner with a suitable rescue boat in attendance.
Duration: 16 hours either spread over a series of sessions or 2 full days

Level 3 – Better Sailing
This improver course seeks to bridge the gap between the previous levels and the Advanced modules, which allows sailors to select their preferred route within the sport. Better Sailing provides the opportunity to practice and consolidate sailing techniques, and experience some of the activities that the advanced modules have to offer. This course helps to build confidence and supports the development of good techniques and independent sailing.
Duration: 16 hours either spread over a series of sessions or 2 full days

Seamanship Skills
On successful completion of this course you will be capable of manoeuvring a dinghy in a seaman like manner, and making seamanship decisions in moderate conditions.
It will be assumed that you have mastered the practical skills and retained the knowledge required for the previous levels. Tuition will be given by trained instructors using appropriate supervision ratios which take location and student’s competence into account. Much of the work afloat will be carried out without an instructor aboard, the emphasis being to increase the self-reliance and decision making capabilities of the sailor.
Duration: 16 hours either spread over a series of sessions or 2 full days